
L-Words (1055)

Divide the grid into "L"-shaped regions along the grid lines. An "L"-shaped region includes one "pivot" cell and two "end" cells (all three must be distinct). Each end cell must be in the same row or column as the pivot, and all cells between the end and pivot along that row or column must be in the region. No other cells are allowed to be in the region. The two end cells cannot be in the same row or column. Some cells are marked with circles; those must be pivot cells. Some region borders may already be drawn for you.
Then, put one letter into each cell so that the given words can be read in the regions. Every word must appear in the grid exactly once and use all the cells in one region, starting and ending on the end cells of that region. Cells with identical letters must not touch at a corner or an edge.

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2022 - Round 4 (184)
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