
Criss-Cross (139)

Other names: Crisscross

Enter the given words in the grid, one character per cell, to complete the crisscross pattern. Each word is used exactly once, and will either read left-to-right or top-to-bottom.

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2014 - Playoffs (96)
WPF Puzzle GP 2014 - Round 6 (92)
WPF Puzzle GP 2015 - Round 8 (86)
WPF Puzzle GP 2017 - Round 3C (35)
WPF Puzzle GP 2017 - Round 5C (16)
WPF Puzzle GP 2021 - Round 7 (171)
WPF Puzzle GP 2022 - Round 2 (182)
Child puzzles:
Build a Criss-cross
Criss-Cross (Crowded)
Criss-Cross (TomTom)
Cross Number
Double Criss-Cross
Fold-In Criss-Cross