
Chess Attacks (216)

Other names: Chess

Place the five chess pieces (king, queen, rook, knight, bishop) on the board such that each number in a cell represents the number of pieces that attack that cell.
Pieces do not attack pieces of the same color (so, any cell that is occupied by a piece is attacked by 0 pieces). The queen’s, rook’s, and bishop’s attacks can be blocked by other pieces. Pieces do not attack themselves.

Reference: WPF (1)

- Place the five chess pieces (a rook, knight, bishop, and two pawns) on the board such that all the gray squares are under attack and none of the white squares are under attack.
Pieces can attack pieces of the same color. The rook’s and bishop’s attacks can be blocked by other pieces. Pawns may be placed anywhere, including the top and bottom row, and attack the two diagonal squares above it. Pieces do not attack themselves.

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