
Kakuro Kropki (259)

Other names: Kropkuro

Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each white cell. The numbers in grey cells indicate the sum of digits in the adjacent "word" across or down. (Across "words" are to the right of their sums, Down "words" are below their sums.) Digits may not repeat within a "word."
Not all "words" will have a provided sum.
A white dot on the edge of two cells indicates that those two cells must contain consecutive numbers; a black dot on the edge of two cells indicates that a number in one of those cells is double the value of the number in the other cell. If 1 and 2 are in adjacent cells, then the dot between them could be either color. If there is no dot on the edge of two cells, it means neither a black nor a white dot could go there.

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2022 - Round 1 (181)
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