
Tapa (LITS) (539)

Other names: Tapa (LITS rules)

Shade some empty cells black (cells with numbers cannot be shaded). All black cells connect along edges to create a single connected region. (It is permissible for the region to touch itself at a corner, but touching at a corner does not connect the region.) No 2×2 group of squares can be entirely shaded black.
Numbers in a cell indicate the lengths of contiguous black cell groups along the “ring” of 8 cells touching that cell (fewer for cells along the outside edge). If there is more than one number in a cell, then there must be at least one white (unshaded) cell between the black cell groups. The numbers are given in no particular order. As a special case, if the number given in a cell is a zero (0), it means that none of the cells around that cell may be shaded black.
It must be possible to divide the shape of the shaded cells into only tetrominoes such that when two tetrominoes share an edge, they are not of the same shape, regardless of rotations or reflections. (Not all four possible shapes have to be present in the grid; for example, it is possible for your solution to not have any “I” shapes.)

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2016 - Round 6 Competitive (72)
WPF Puzzle GP 2019 - Round 1 (132)
Parent puzzle:

Child puzzles:
LITS (Tapa)
Related puzzles:
Pentomino Tapa