
Japanese Snake (Ends) (933)

Locate a “snake” in the grid. The snake is a path that starts in a cell, goes through some number of cells orthogonally, and ends in a cell. Each cell is used at most once by the snake. The snake may not loop around to touch itself, not even diagonally. (In other words, if two cells in the snake touch orthogonally, then they must be exactly one cell apart along the path of the snake, and if two cells in the snake touch diagonally, then they must be exactly two cells apart along the path of the snake.)
A rounded square in a cell (when provided) indicates the end of the snake. A cross in a cell (when provided) indicates that the snake cannot go through the cell.
Numbers outside the grid, when given, indicate the sizes of all continuous groups of snake-occupied cells along that row or column, in positional order. These groups are separated by unoccupied cells.

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2020 - Round 6 (145)
Parent puzzle:
Snake (Ends)