
Loop (pentomino walls, max lengths) (946)

Blacken some cells, and draw a single loop that passes orthogonally through centers of cells.
The black cells must form the shapes of 11 pentominoes. Each pentomino shape is used at most once, but can be rotated or reflected. Pentominoes cannot touch along edges or corners.
If a letter is given in the grid, it must be a black square that is part of the pentomino with that letter.
The loop must go through all non-black cells and cannot go through any black cells. The loop may not enter the same cell more than once.
The numbers above and to the left of the grid indicate the length of the longest straight section of the loop that is within that row or column, respectively. Length is measured in cell lengths between centers of cells. It is possible for the provided length to appear more than once along that row or column.

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2020 - Round 8 (147)
Parent puzzle:
Loop around pentominoes