
Scrabble (Unused Word) (991)

Put at most one letter into each cell so that the given words can be read either across (left-to-right) or down (top-to-bottom) in consecutive cells in the grid. Every word must appear in the grid exactly once, and no other words may appear in the grid (that is, if two cells are filled and are adjacent, then there must be a word that uses both of them). Every word must have either a blank cell or the edge of the grid before and after it. All letters must be (orthogonally) connected in a single group.
Copies of some letters are already supplied in the grid. All instances of those letters are given.
One word must be removed from the list of given words before the puzzle is solvable. Which word is for you to determine.

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2021 - Round 2 (166)
Parent puzzle:
Scrabble (Letters)